Pest Away Tips

13 Natural Scents and Solutions for Keeping Flies Away: A Comprehensive Guide

Natural Scents That Repel Flies: Keep the Pesky Insects at Bay

Flies can be a nuisance, not just because of their constant buzzing around your head, but also because they pose a real health risk. These insects are notorious for feasting on garbage and feces, breeding on decaying organic matter, and transmitting infectious diseases such as cholera, typhoid fever, and dysentery.

Flies have a strong sense of smell and prefer warm weather conditions to infest, which is why they are more common in the summer months. The good news is that there are natural scents that repel flies, and you can use them to keep your home and outdoor spaces fly-free.

Common Scents That Repel Flies

1. Basil: The sweet and aromatic scent of basil is a natural repellent for flies.

You can plant it around your garden, or keep a pot of basil indoors to keep flies away.


Citronella: Citronella is a classic fly repellent scent used in candles and sprays. Simply light a citronella candle or spray a citronella-based product around your outdoor space to repel flies.

3. Cinnamon: The strong and spicy aroma of cinnamon is a natural fly repellent.

You can sprinkle powdered cinnamon around your home or use cinnamon oil to repel flies. 4.

Cloves: Cloves have a powerful and pungent scent that flies hate. You can use whole cloves or clove oil to create a fly repellent spray or sachet.

5. Eucalyptus: The fresh and minty scent of eucalyptus is also a natural fly repellent.

You can plant eucalyptus trees or use eucalyptus oil in a diffuser or spray bottle to keep flies away. 6.

Lavender: The sweet and floral scent of lavender is a great natural fly repellent. You can use lavender oil or sachets to keep flies away.

7. Lemongrass: The fresh and lemony scent of lemongrass is another great fly repellent.

You can plant lemongrass in your garden or use lemongrass oil in a diffuser or spray bottle to repel flies. 8.

Marigold: Marigolds have a pungent scent that flies dislike. You can plant marigolds around your garden or use marigold oil in a spray bottle to keep flies away.

9. Peppermint: The fresh and minty scent of peppermint is a natural fly repellent.

You can use peppermint oil in a diffuser or spray bottle to repel flies. 10.

Rosemary: The pungent and aromatic scent of rosemary is another great natural fly repellent. You can plant rosemary around your garden or use rosemary oil in a diffuser or spray bottle to keep flies away.

11. Sweet Woodruff: The sweet and vanilla-like scent of sweet woodruff is a natural fly repellent.

You can plant sweet woodruff in your garden or use sweet woodruff sachets to keep flies away. 12.

Tansy: Tansies have a strong and pungent scent that flies dislike. You can plant tansies in your garden or use tansy oil in a spray bottle to keep flies away.

13. Venus Flytrap: Venus Flytraps are carnivorous plants that prey on insects, including flies.

You can place Venus Flytraps in your garden or indoor space to trap and kill flies.

Fly Behavior and Preferences

Flies are active during the day and prefer warm weather conditions to breed and infest. They have a strong sense of smell and are attracted to sweet and pungent odors.

This is why it’s important to keep your home and outdoor spaces clean, hygiene, and free of decaying organic matter that can attract flies.

Health Risks Associated with Flies

Flies are known to carry harmful bacteria and infectious diseases that can pose a real health risk to humans. They feed on garbage and feces, and breed on decaying organic matter such as rotting fruits and vegetables, dead animals, and sewage.

Flies can also transmit diseases through their droppings, making it important to keep your living space fly-free.

Scented Plants That Repel Flies

Planting scented plants around your home and garden can be an effective way to keep flies away. The following plants have natural fly repellent properties and can help keep your living spaces fly-free.

1. Basil: Plant basil around your garden or keep a pot of basil indoors to repel flies.

2. Bay leaves: The strong and spicy scent of bay leaves is a natural fly repellent.

You can put bay leaves in your pantry or around your living spaces to repel flies. 3.

Citronella: Plant citronella trees or use citronella oil in a diffuser or spray bottle to keep flies away. 4.

Cinnamon: The strong and spicy aroma of cinnamon is a natural fly repellent. You can sprinkle powdered cinnamon around your home or use cinnamon oil to repel flies.

5. Cloves: Cloves have a powerful and pungent scent that flies hate.

You can use whole cloves or clove oil to create a fly repellent spray or sachet. 6.

Eucalyptus: Plant eucalyptus trees or use eucalyptus oil in a diffuser or spray bottle to keep flies away. 7.

Lavender: Plant lavender around your garden or use lavender oil or sachets to repel flies. 8.

Lemongrass: Plant lemongrass in your garden or use lemongrass oil in a diffuser or spray bottle to repel flies. 9.

Marigold: Plant marigolds around your garden or use marigold oil in a spray bottle to keep flies away. 10.

Peppermint: Use peppermint oil in a diffuser or spray bottle to repel flies. 11.

Rosemary: Plant rosemary around your garden or use rosemary oil in a diffuser or spray bottle to keep flies away. 12.

Sweet woodruff: Plant sweet woodruff in your garden or use sweet woodruff sachets to repel flies. 13.

Tansy: Plant tansies in your garden or use tansy oil in a spray bottle to keep flies away.

How to Use These Plants as Fly Repellents

There are several ways to use these plants as fly repellents. You can plant them around your garden or living spaces, hang sachets made from their leaves or flowers, or crush and sprinkle their leaves around your home to repel flies.

You can also use essential oils extracted from these plants in a diffuser or spray bottle to create a natural fly repellent.

Safety Considerations for Plants Toxic to Humans or Pets

While most of these plants are safe for humans and pets, some can be toxic if ingested. Marigolds and tansies contain toxins that can cause skin irritation or digestive problems if ingested.

It’s important to keep these plants away from small children and pets.


Flies are more than just a nuisance; they pose a real health risk to humans. However, there are natural scents that repel flies, and you can use them to keep your home and outdoor spaces fly-free.

By using scented plants that repel flies, you not only keep the pesky insects away but also add natural beauty and aroma to your living space. With simple steps like planting, hanging, crushing, or spraying, you can enjoy a fly-free living space without resorting to toxic chemical sprays and insecticides.

Stay informed, stay safe, and enjoy the natural goodness of scented plants that repel flies.

3) Using Apple Cider Vinegar and Cayenne Pepper as Fly Repellents

Flies are attracted to sugar, and apple cider vinegar is acidic due to the fermentation process it undergoes creating the strong odor that attracts flies. One way to use apple cider vinegar is by using it as a trap.

You can create a trap by mixing apple cider vinegar with a few drops of dish soap in a bowl or jar. The dish soap breaks the surface tension of the vinegar, making it hard for flies to land and drown them.

The aroma of the fermented vinegar is strong enough to attract flies, and the dish soap works by trapping and killing them. This simple trap is an effective and natural way to get rid of flies without using chemicals or sprays.

Cayenne pepper is another natural fly repellent that works by creating an environment that is hostile to flies. Mixing a teaspoon of cayenne pepper with a cup of water creates a solution that can be used as a spray.

The spray can be used around doorways and windowsills, or in areas where flies are known to congregate. The pungent and spicy scent of cayenne pepper can ward off flies, keeping them from invading your living spaces.

4) Incense and Other Natural Fly Repellents

Incense is a natural fly repellent that has been used for centuries in various religious and meditation practices. Incense comes in various forms, such as sticks, cones, and powders, and typically contains natural aromas that keep flies away.

Mosquito coils are also a form of incense that can be highly effective against flies. When ignited, the coils release smoke that contains chemicals and natural ingredients that repel flies.

Certain incense scents, such as citronella, cinnamon, lavender, lemongrass, and rosemary, are known to be effective in deterring flies. Burning these scents creates a natural barrier against flies, making it less likely for them to invade your living spaces.

You can place incense sticks near windows and doorways or around your outdoor spaces to keep flies away.

It is important to note that not all natural fly repellents will work equally well for everyone.

While these methods are generally effective for most people, the varying effectiveness of certain repellents may depend on your specific location and environment. Monitoring and flexibility in techniques may be necessary to achieve the best results.

In conclusion, natural fly repellents like apple cider vinegar, cayenne pepper, and incense provide an effective and chemical-free solution for keeping flies at bay. These easy-to-use methods are affordable and safe for household use, making them an ideal option for people who want to avoid using harsh chemicals and sprays.

It is important to monitor the effectiveness of these remedies and try different techniques to find the right approach that works best for your specific living spaces.

5) Overall Fly Management Tips

Natural fly repellents can be a great way to keep your living spaces free from pesky flies, but they are only one part of a comprehensive fly management plan. To achieve the best results, it’s important to combine the use of natural repellents with other fly control techniques.

Here are some overall fly management tips to keep in mind:

Thorough Cleaning and Nest Removal

One of the most effective ways to prevent fly infestations is by keeping your living spaces clean and free of decaying organic matter. Flies are attracted to organic matter, including rotting fruits and vegetables, animal waste, and food scraps.

Regularly cleaning your living spaces, especially areas where food is stored and consumed, can go a long way in preventing fly infestations. It’s also important to remove any potential breeding grounds for flies, such as piles of wet leaves, compost piles, and garbage cans.

Flies lay their eggs on decaying organic matter, and removing these potential breeding grounds can significantly reduce the risk of fly infestations.

Monitoring Effectiveness

While natural fly repellents can be effective, they may not always work for everyone and may require monitoring to determine their effectiveness. Regular observation of your living spaces and tracking fly activity can help you identify areas that need additional attention.

For example, you may notice that a particular area of your home is more likely to attract flies, or that certain fly repellent methods are not working as effectively as you had hoped.

Changing Techniques as Needed

Insecticide sprays and harsh chemicals may seem like an easy solution to fly infestations, but these methods can also have negative effects on human health and the environment. Instead, consider using natural fly repellents, such as apple cider vinegar, cayenne pepper, or incense.

It may take time to find the most effective natural fly repellent method, and there may be times when a combination of techniques is necessary. For example, you may use a combination of apple cider vinegar traps, cayenne pepper sprays, and incense to create a comprehensive fly management strategy that works for your living spaces.


Overall, natural fly repellents can be an effective way to keep your living spaces free from pesky flies, but they are just one part of a comprehensive fly management plan. Thorough cleaning, removing potential breeding grounds, monitoring effectiveness, and changing techniques as needed are all integral parts of an effective fly management strategy.

By taking a comprehensive approach to fly management, you can keep your living spaces clean, healthy, and free from annoying fly infestations. In summary, natural fly repellents are a safe and affordable way to keep your living spaces free from pesky flies.

Using natural ingredients such as apple cider vinegar, cayenne pepper, and incense can be effective in repelling flies without the use of harsh chemicals and insecticides. However, achieving long-term success with natural fly repellent methods requires consistent cleaning, monitoring, and adapting to changing circumstances.

By combining natural fly repellent methods with a comprehensive approach to fly management, you can create a healthy and fly-free living environment for yourself and your family.

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