Pest Away Tips

5 Signs of Active Bee Hive Infestation: Why Professional Pest Control is Essential

An Active Bee Hive Infestation: How to Identify the Signs

As the summer months approach, so does bee activity. A common issue for homeowners during this time is the invasion of an active bee hive.

While bees are important pollinators for our environment, having a hive in or around your home can pose risks for you and your family. In this article, we will explore the signs of an active bee hive infestation and what you should do if you suspect you have one.

Increasing Bee Activity

One of the first signs of an active bee hive infestation is an increase in bee activity around your home. This may include bees flying around your home, buzzing loudly, or following a particular flight path.

If there is an active hive nearby, you may notice more bees than usual foraging for food or building comb.

Presence of an Active Nest

A common place for bees to build a nest is inside walls, ceilings, or attics. If you notice bees entering and exiting a small hole or gap in your home, this may be a sign of an active nest.

Bees are known to be expert builders and do not stop foraging for food or building their hive until the queen bee stops laying eggs. This means that the infestation could grow rapidly if left untreated.

Dark Patches on the Wall

Dark patches on walls or ceilings are another sign of an active bee hive infestation. These dark patches are caused by honey overflow, which can cause structural damage to your home if it is not removed promptly.

Bee hives are known to be sticky and difficult to remove, so it is best to call a professional exterminator to handle the situation.

Other Concerns About Bee Hives

Now that we have identified the signs of an active bee hive infestation, let’s address some other concerns about bee hives.

How Long Bee Hives Stay Active

A bee hive can stay active for many years, but the queen bee’s reign can last anywhere between one to five years. The productivity of the hive can also depend on the food sources available and the season.

If the queen bee dies, the hive will slowly fall apart, but a new queen bee can be installed if necessary.

Activities Inside the Hive

Bee hives have a complex hierarchical system, with different roles assigned to each bee. Queen bees are responsible for laying eggs, male drones are responsible for mating with the queen, and worker bees are responsible for building the hive, foraging for food, and protecting the hive.

Bees are known to be hardworking and efficient, and their activities inside the hive are essential to their survival.

What to Do if You Suspect an Active Bee Hive Infestation

If you suspect you have an active bee hive infestation, it is important to act quickly before the problem gets worse. Here are some steps to follow:


Identify the source of the bees. This will help determine the best course of action for removal.

2. Do not attempt to remove the bees yourself.

Bees can become extremely aggressive if they feel threatened, so it is best to call a professional exterminator. 3.

Seal off any entry holes to prevent the bees from entering or leaving. 4.

Clean up any honey or dead bees to prevent odor and rotting. 5.

Finally, have your home inspected for structural damage.


In conclusion, an active bee hive infestation can be a serious problem for homeowners. Early detection and swift action are key to resolving the issue before it causes any additional damage.

If you suspect you have an active bee hive infestation, do not hesitate to call a professional exterminator. Remember, bees are essential to our environment, but they can cause harm if their hive is located in or near your home.

Importance of Professional Pest Control for Active Bee Hive Infestations

When it comes to tackling an active bee hive infestation, it’s always best to leave it to the professionals. Bee colonies can become aggressive when they feel threatened, which can put you and your family at risk of getting stung.

In this article, we will explore the importance of hiring a professional pest control service for removing active bee hives.

Leave the Hive Undisturbed

When you suspect an active bee hive infestation in your home, it’s tempting to try to remove the colony yourself. However, this can be incredibly dangerous and can lead to more problems.

Pest control professionals have the proper equipment and knowledge to safely remove bee hives, without disrupting the colony. Disturbing the bees can make them more aggressive, which is why it’s important to leave this task to a professional.

Additionally, attempting to remove the hive without proper training or equipment can lead to more damage to your property. Professional pest control personnel can effectively remove the hive without causing any damage to your home, and in the case of any structural damage caused by the hive, they can provide guidance on how to make necessary repairs.

Warn Household Members and Neighbors

Bees may become agitated if they feel their hive is under threat, and if they feel their colony is in danger, they may become aggressive. It’s essential that you keep household members and neighbors informed about the situation.

If someone in the vicinity of the bee hive is allergic to bee stings, this could become a life-threatening situation. Allergy or not, it’s essential to keep children and pets away from the area until the pest control professionals have successfully removed the hive.

An active bee colony near school bus stops or near pedestrian areas can also pose a risk to passersby. It’s important to warn your neighbors about the active infestation to prevent anyone from getting stung.

Trust Pest Control Professionals

A reputable pest control service will have the necessary equipment and knowledge to safely and effectively remove an active bee hive infestation. They use specialized tools and protective clothing to neutralize the hive, ensuring the safety of both you and the bees.

Professional pest control personnel will also know how to dispose of the bees and the hive safely, so that it does not serve as a source of attraction for other pests. Hiring a professional pest control team can save you time and money in the long run.

If you attempt to remove the hive yourself, there is a chance you may not entirely remove the nest, leading to another infestation in the future. Experienced professionals have extensive knowledge about bee colonies, and therefore, can address your present concern as well as suggest measures to prevent future infestations.

Seeking the help of professionals assures a long-term solution and peace of mind.


Hiring a professional pest control service for an active bee hive infestation is the safest and most effective way to remove the hive. Pest control professionals have the necessary skills, equipment, and expertise to do the job right, ensuring the safety of you, your family, and the bees themselves.

Remember to always warn household members and neighbors about an active bee hive infestation to prevent any unnecessary injuries. If you suspect an active bee hive infestation in your vicinity, do not hesitate to reach out to a reputable pest control service.

In conclusion, identifying signs of an active bee hive infestation can be crucial in ensuring the safety of homeowners and their loved ones. Signs such as increasing bee activity, the presence of an active nest, and dark patches on walls are among the most common indications of an infestation.

The queen bee’s reign, hive productivity, and activities inside the hive are also significant concerns that homeowners need to be aware of. Working with a professional pest control service to eliminate the hive is highly recommended to avoid agitating the bees and posing any risk.

Being mindful of neighbors and other passersby and requesting expert help from pest control professionals is an approach that guarantees safety for all involved. With the right measures, homeowners can protect themselves and the environment and ensure peace of mind.

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