Pest Away Tips

8 Essential Tips to Prevent Rodent Infestations in NE Pennsylvania

Rodents are a common sight in northeastern Pennsylvania. While some of these critters are relatively harmless, others can pose significant health risks and property damage.

In this article, we will provide you with essential information about the most common rodents in northeastern Pennsylvania and the hazards they can bring into our lives.

House Mice

The house mouse is small and gray-brown, with a cylindrical body and large ears. They are prolific breeders and known for nesting in any hidden, warm, and protected area in our homes.

They feed on grains, seeds, and fruits, but when they can’t find those, they will chew on pretty much anything, including our wires, water pipes, and insulation. Their habit of contaminating food and water sources can lead to health threats, including Salmonella and Listeria.

They also carry Hantavirus and can infest our living spaces with fleas, ticks, and lice. To prevent house mice infestations, it is essential to keep our living spaces clean, seal cracks and holes around our home’s exterior, and store food in tightly sealed containers off the floor.

Norway Rats

Norway rats are larger than house mice, with a heavy, thick body, blunt snout, and sleek fur. They are commonly known as sewer rats because they live in underground burrows.

Norway rats are notorious for their destruction to buildings, gardens, and crops. They enjoy eating meat and vegetables, but when necessary, they’ll settle for trash.

They are known disease carriers, and rats can spread the plague, rat bite fever, or leptospirosis. Their droppings and urine can also transmit salmonella and Hantavirus.

A licensed pest controller can help property owners effectively remove Norway rat infestations by administering poison or snap traps.

Deer Mouse

Deer mice are native to Pennsylvania and are usually brownish in color, but the color can vary from grey to reddish-brown. They are small, with a pointed nose, huge black eyes, and large, thin ears.

Deer mice often nest in burrows, trees, or vacated dens of other small mammals during the winter. Deer mice are cute, but they are known to carry Hantavirus, which can lead to severe respiratory illness in humans.

Additionally, some deer mice carry Lyme disease and transmit it via ticks. Avoid contact with deer mice by sealing up holes and cracks in the foundation, keeping trash away from the house, and removing unwarranted debris from our lawn.


Chipmunks are tiny and have reddish-brown fur with white stripes on the back. They are unwelcome visitors in our gardens and lawns since they can cause damage when burrowing and hoarding seeds.

They are also known for their enthusiasm about the bird feeders, and they can cause significant structural damage to buildings by burrowing into foundations. If our lawn is infested with chipmunks, we may have soil erosion and stagnant water accumulating, insect infestation, and damaged plants.

Exclusion measures such as fencing are the best way to control chipmunks.

Gray Squirrels

Gray squirrels are tree-dwellers with a bushy tail and a gray or brownish coat. They are omnivores and eat nuts, seeds, and occasionally insects, but they can also feed on birdseed and garden plants.

While they are fascinating creatures to watch, they can quickly become a nuisance when they enter our attic or crawl spaces to nest. When gray squirrels start gnawing on wooden beams and electric cables, they can cause electrical failures and fires.

To avoid property damages, its critical to keep tree branches trimmed away from the roof, repair damaged vents and flashing, and block entry points.


Voles look like chubby mice with blunt snouts and short tails. They are also called meadow mice since they are herbivores that burrow tunnels in grassy areas, orchards, or gardens.

Unfortunately, voles can cause extensive damage to our outdoor plants and trees by eating the bark and the roots. Additionally, their tunnels and runways are trip hazards, and they can also attract other predators such as snakes, foxes, and owls.

Deter voles by mowing our lawn frequently and not letting grass grow too long, installing hardware cloth around tree trunks, and removing overgrown shrubs.


Groundhogs are also known as woodchucks and are known for their burrows scattered throughout the northeastern Pennsylvania region. They can cause structural damage and harm to crops and gardens during the burrowing process as well as carrying disease.

Groundhogs are solitary creatures and are not usually dangerous, but we may find some conflicts with these animals if they invade our personal space. It’s essential to hire specialized pest management to oversee the removal of groundhogs since merely relocating them will cause unwarranted harm.


Porcupines are large, slow-moving rodents often found in woodlands, farmlands, and urban areas of Northeastern Pennsylvania. Their primary defense mechanism is penetration from quills.

When threatened, they may provide growling, puffing, and even throwing their quills towards their predator.

Porcupines may cause structural damage when chewing on wooden decks, bark, or furniture.

However, porcupines are usually docile and avoid human contact. If a porcupine is causing damage to our yard, it is essential to block off any access and call a professional wildlife control operator.


Now that we’ve covered the most common rodents in northeastern Pennsylvania, we hope you have a better understanding of the hazards they can bring. Although some of these critters may be cute, they can cause property damage, health risks, and even life-threatening diseases.

By taking proactive measures and consulting with licensed professionals when necessary, we can prevent infestations, harm, and headaches caused by these rodents. Rodent infestations pose a significant threat to our health and property.

Identifying and dealing with them is essential for our safety. In this article, we will discuss how to recognize signs of infestations, preventative measures, and dealing with them.

Additionally, we will discuss the health risks associated with rodent infestations.

Signs of Infestation

Droppings: Rodents excrete feces regularly, which can be a sign of infestation. Common places to find droppings are dark corners, cupboards, and behind appliances.

Gnaw marks: Rodents will gnaw on anything, including wood, plastic, and electrical wires. Check for teeth marks on food packaging, furniture, or walls, or even holes in the walls.

Sounds: Rodents are nocturnal and typically active at night. If we hear tiny feet scampering or scratching, we might have rodents in our living space.

Additionally, they may make squeaking, chirping, or chattering noises.

Prevention Tips

Food storage: Keep food in airtight containers and store them off the ground. Rats and mice can gnaw through plastic and cardboard, so it’s best to use sturdy metal or glass containers.

Clean up all food spills immediately, and dispose of waste properly. Sealing entry points: Rodents can squeeze through the tiniest openings, so it’s essential to seal entry points.

Look for openings around pipes and vents and seal them with steel wool or caulk. Doors and windows should fit snugly, and door sweeps installed to keep rodents out.

Cleanliness: Rodents like clutter and debris, so keep homes and outdoor spaces clean and tidy. Clean up garbage regularly, remove any piles of wood or plant matter, and keep grass trimmed.

It also helps to keep a neat and organized home without piles of paper or clothes lying around.

Dealing with Infestations

Pest control experts: The best way to get rid of rodents is by hiring licensed professionals. They provide an assessment of the situation to determine the best solution.

They may use bait or tracking powder to remove rodents safely and effectively. Trapping: If the infestation is small, trapping can be an effective method.

Traps should be placed in areas of activity, such as along the wall where rodents are known to travel. Check the traps regularly and dispose of the dead rodents safely.

Removal: Once rodents have been removed, it’s essential to clean up any potential sources of re-infestation. This includes sanitizing surfaces that may have been contaminated by droppings or urine.

Health Risks Associated with Rodent Infestations

Diseases: Rodents are known carriers of several diseases that can be transmitted to humans through contact with urine, droppings, or saliva. These include salmonella, rat-bite fever, and trichinosis.

Symptoms may include fever, stomach issues, or muscle pain and can be severe, especially if untreated. Allergic Reactions: Rodents can cause allergic reactions by contaminating the air with their dander and droppings.

This can be particularly dangerous for those with asthma. If the infestation persists, it’s crucial to seek medical attention.

Damage to Property: Rodents can cause significant structural damage to buildings by chewing wires and causing fires. They can also damage insulation and destroy personal property.

Timely intervention during the early stages of infestation is crucial to prevent such damage.


Rodent infestations are dangerous and hazardous to our health. Identifying and preventing infestations by implementing measures such as using airtight containers, maintaining cleanliness, and sealing entry points is vital for our safety.

In case of infestations, taking action promptly and hiring pest control experts is an effective approach to dealing with rodent infestations. Avoiding contact with rodents can also prevent allergic reactions and diseases as well as preventing costly structural damage to our homes.

Rodents are common pests that can cause significant health risks and property damage. It’s essential to be aware of these critters and take necessary measures to protect our home and ourselves.

In this article, we will discuss the importance of being aware of rodents, protecting our homes, and recommendations on how to keep our properties rodent-free.

Importance of Being Aware of Rodents

Health Risks: Rodents carry numerous diseases, including salmonella, leptospirosis, and hantavirus, that can be transmitted to humans. Additionally, rodent droppings, fur, and dander can trigger allergies and asthma attacks.

Property Damage: Rodents can cause extensive damage to personal property, including insulation, walls, and wiring. They are also known for chewing on wood, cardboard, and other materials that can weaken structures over time.

Protecting Your Home

Identification: Identifying rodents presence is crucial to protecting our homes from infestations. It’s essential to be aware of their tell-tale signs, such as droppings, gnaw marks, and noises.

Prevention: Taking preventative measures is the best way to keep rodents out of our homes. Start by ensuring all food is stored in airtight containers, maintaining cleanliness, and sealing entry points.

Pest Control Experts: Employing the services of licensed pest control professionals is essential in dealing with rodent infestations. These experts can provide a thorough assessment of the property, identify the source of the problem, and devise an effective solution.


Regular cleaning and maintenance: Cleaning and regular maintenance are two of the most effective ways to prevent rodent infestations. Clean up food and drink spills immediately, vacuum regularly, and avoid leaving clutter and debris around your property.

Sealing any entry points: Rodents can enter through the tiniest of openings, so identifying and sealing entry points such as holes in walls, gaps under door frames or through vents is essential. Using traps: Setting up traps in locations close to high rodent activity can help control populations and prevent infestations.

Keeping an eye out for infestations: Be proactive in spotting any signs of infestations, such as droppings or gnaw marks, and addressing them immediately. This can help to prevent the issue from becoming more significant and more challenging to control.


Rodents can pose significant threats to our health and properties, but awareness and vigilance can prevent infestations. Protecting our homes from rodent infestations involves identifying early signs of activity, prevention measures such as regular cleaning and maintenance, sealing entry points, and using traps and other control methods.

Employing the services of licensed pest control professionals should be the final line of defense to eradicate infestations permanently and keep our homes and families safe. In conclusion, rodent infestations are a real threat to our health and the value of our properties.

Understanding the signs of infestations, taking preventative measures, and dealing with the issue promptly is crucial in controlling the proliferation of rodents. Basic practices such as regular cleaning, proper food storage, and sealing entry points can help keep our living spaces rodent-free.

Employing pest control experts may be necessary if an infestation problem persists, and they can provide expert advice and tailored solutions to mitigate and eradicate the problem. By following these recommendations, we can ensure that our homes remain safe, healthy places to live in, and our possessions remain intact.

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