Pest Away Tips

8 Fascinating Facts about Centipedes and Pest Control

Centipedes: Fascinating Facts about their Diet and Role in Pest Control

Are you familiar with centipedes? Typically known for their long bodies and numerous legs, these creatures may seem like a creepy addition to your home, especially when you spot one scurrying across your kitchen floor.

However, did you know that some centipedes are natural predators of pests that indiscriminately invade your premises? This article aims to explore the diet of centipedes, how they help with pest control, and how they find their prey.

House Centipedes as Predators and Prey

One of the most common centipedes found indoors is the house centipede. These creatures are usually brown or gray, have up to 15 pairs of legs and measure around 1 to 1/2 inches long.

They earn the name house centipede because they are usually found inside homes, mostly in basements, kitchens, bathrooms, and laundry rooms. While these critters may seem creepy, they actually help to keep the house free from other pests.

House centipedes are predators, meaning they hunt other insects and small animals. They have long antennae and long bodies which facilitate their movement and help them to detect their prey.

Some of the pests that house centipedes hunt, and even eat, include cockroaches, silverfish, and ants.

Diet of House Centipedes

The diet of a house centipede is mostly composed of small insects that you may find in your home. These include silverfish, cockroaches, crickets, and spiders.

To find their prey, house centipedes use their long antennae to detect vibrations and scents. Once they sense prey, they use their speed to attack their victims and capture them with their venomous bite.

Silverfish, ants, and cockroaches are some of the pests that are vulnerable to the bite and pincers of a house centipede. This is because house centipedes use their venom to paralyze their prey, meaning that once they have bitten their prey, they can no longer move.

This makes it easier for the house centipedes to feed on their victims.

Prey of Centipedes

While house centipedes mainly prey upon small insects and pests, they are also hunted by larger animals. These predators are usually birds and lizards that find their way into homes from time to time.

The house centipedes may become meals for these predators since they have a slower movement than their hunters. Rodents are also potential predators of house centipedes.

House Centipedes and Pest Control

If you have pests in your home, seeing a house centipede may give you some relief. This is because house centipedes are natural pest control agents.

If you have bathroom bugs, you can rest assured that the house centipedes will hunt them. They are also known for eating roaches.

In fact, house centipedes have a carnivorous diet and can consume up to 20 roaches in one day, making them effective pest control agents.

Another pest that house centipedes can help control is the bedbug.

Bedbugs are often difficult to see and nearly impossible to get rid of because they hide in small crevices and cracks. But with the help of house centipedes, bedbugs may not last in your home for long.

House centipedes use a toxin to bite bedbugs, causing paralysis, after which they feed on them.

Carpet beetles and their larvae are also prey for house centipedes.

If you have carpet beetles in your home, you may notice that they shed their skins and leave miniature worms as they grow. These worms, known as bed worms, are a good source of food for house centipedes.

One of the things that make centipedes interesting is the wide range of pests that they prey upon. In addition to the above-mentioned pests, house centipedes eat termites, a formidable enemy of wooden structures.

Termites contribute to billions of dollars in damage to structures each year, so the presence of household centipedes as natural predators of termites should be good news for homeowners.

Spider beetles are another food source for house centipedes.

Spider beetles are often found in food storage areas and are known as scavengers. House centipedes prey on spider beetles using their speed and venomous bite, making sure that spider beetles stay out of the way.

Tropical Centipedes and their Diet

While the house centipede may be the most common centipede in homes, there are others that also inhabit different parts of the world. These tropical centipedes can grow quite large, with some measuring up to a foot long! Under normal circumstances, those living outside the tropics would not come across such huge centipedes.

They mainly feed on crickets, lizards, cockroaches, rodents, and toads.


In summary, while most people will cringe at the sight of a centipede, these creatures are fascinating in their role as predator and prey. While house centipedes are natural predators of other pests such as cockroaches, silverfish, and bedbugs, they are also prey for larger animals such as birds and lizards.

While they have a venomous bite, centipedes pose little risk to humans and are more of a marvel when it comes to their diet and role in pest control. They are a natural way to control pests in the home and their presence is good news for homeowners who value a pest-free environment.

Attracting and Living Conditions for Centipedes

Centipedes are a fascinating and often misunderstood creature. Some people may be horrified by a centipede’s many legs, long antennas, and quick movements.

However, centipedes also play a critical role in controlling other pests such as roaches, spiders, and silverfish that may invade your home. In this section, we will discuss the living conditions and attractants for centipedes.

Attractants for Centipedes

Centipedes are attracted to various foods that are found in homes, such as other arthropod insects. The more insects you have in your home, the greater the chance that centipedes will be attracted to the area.

Thus, if you’ve noticed unwanted pests these could be attracting centipedes to your home. Furthermore, many food sources for centipedes may be found inside and outside of your home.

These include insects outside, such as beetles and crickets, as well as food crumbs and other waste inside.

Centipedes as Night Hunters

Centipedes are active at night and are mainly nocturnal creatures. They spend their time hidden in dark and moist places in your home, searching for food.

Insects are the primary food source for centipedes, and since insects are also more active at night, centipedes have adapted to be night hunters to catch their prey. So, if you’re experiencing a high insect population in your home, you should be more cautious of a centipede infestation and take the necessary steps to eliminate the insects and their eggs before you get a centipede infestation.

Centipedes’ Ability to Live Without Food

Centipedes can exist without food for a long period because of their slow metabolic rate. This is because centipedes are built for long-term energy consumption.

So when food is scarce or inaccessible, they might be able to survive for a few months without eating, especially if they have a good shelter to stay in. Nonetheless, food remains the primary attractant for centipedes, and if they experience a lack of food sources for an extended period (usually around 2-3 months), they wont be able to survive, resulting in death.

Centipedes Crawling on Beds and Biting

Large tropical centipedes are often spotted crawling on beds. Although their bite is not deadly, it can still be painful and cause swelling or irritation in the affected area.

If possible, avoid touching or getting too close to centipedes, especially tropical ones. Their natural diet is made up of insects, but when hunger sets in, they might switch to other prey such as human flesh.

A bite from a tropical centipede can be painful, but it’s unlikely they will cause serious harm.

Prevention and Control of Centipedes

Centipedes can be beneficial in controlling other insect infestations, but they can also invade homes and create an infestation. In this section, we will discuss the ways to prevent and control centipede infestations.

Importance of Professional Pest Control Services

If you are experiencing, or you believe you are at risk of experiencing a centipede infestation, it’s best to seek the services of a professional pest control company. Professional help can prevent centipedes from entering your home and eliminate other pests that could be attracting centipedes.

Pest professionals can help to identify the source of the centipede infestation and give you advice on how to prevent them in the future.

Protective Measures Against Infestations

To prevent a centipede infestation, it’s essential to keep your home clean and free of unnecessary clutter. Removing clutter helps decrease the area where centipedes can seek shelter.

Seal any cracks in the walls or foundation of your home to keep centipedes from entering. Ridding your home of other pests can eliminate a common attractant for centipedes.

Vacuum regularly to remove food debris or bug carcasses and keep your home deadly to centipedes if they do manage to enter.

Preventing Moisture Issues to Reduce Booklice Infestations

Booklice are attracted to damp areas and water sources. Reducing moisture in your home can improve your chances of avoiding a booklice infestation, which can also help prevent a centipede infestation.

Fix any leaks, keep gutters clean, and remove any standing water from the home. To remove moisture from the air, use a dehumidifier.

A dry environment can help eliminate moisture that centipedes and other pests need to thrive, giving them no reason to enter your home.


In conclusion, centipedes may be fascinating and beneficial creatures, but they can also be problematic and invade homes. By following the prevention and control measures outlined in this article, you can make your home less hospitable to centipedes and other pests.

Eliminating common food sources and sealing any entry points to your home can help prevent a centipede infestation. If you suspect that you do have a centipede infestation, it’s best to contact a pest control service as soon as possible to prevent further damage.

In conclusion, the article has explored various essential aspects regarding centipedes and their significance in pest control. Specifically, we’ve covered the diet and living conditions of centipedes, highlighting why they may be attracted to areas and foods that are potential homes for other pests.

Additionally, we have covered the preventive measures that homeowners can adopt to keep their properties free of centipedes and other pests. Ultimately, centipedes play an essential role in natural pest control, but their presence can be challenging to manage.

As such, it’s essential to be aware of the attractants and preventive measures of centipedes to keep our homes pest-free while still embracing the benefits that they offer.

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